NLP PRACTITIONERS' CERTIFICATION COURSE 2022A: Foundations of NLP, Life Coaching, and Personal Transformation
One of our major Change-Work Programs is a certification program called NLP PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION COURSE: The Foundations of NLP, Coaching, and Personal Transformation. This 120 Hours of NLP Certification Program of NLP Manila covers a host of NLP beliefs, concepts, knowledge, skills, and ChangeWork techniques that aim to help transform the life of the learners from ordinary to extraordinary!
These are amazing days of exploration and discovery. It starts with the introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming, the core beliefs of NLP Manila, and the fundamental concepts and principles of NLP. At the same time, the training sessions will go deeper into personality traits, self-awareness, and behavioral flexibility to get intended outcomes.
NLP Manila is the only organization in the Philippines that offers a full spectrum of NLP certification course. Where others provide shorter versions of NLP training, we provide as much as we can for the clients to be as fully knowledgeable and skillful as they can be.
NLP Practitioner’s Course aims to provide the participants the following major outcomes:
Outcome and Solutions-Oriented Mindset
Deeper level of Self-Awareness
Time-tested Techniques of Self-Motivation and Motivating Others
Positively Influencing Others
Having a powerful sense of observations through the visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory fields
Having a greater sense of flexibility in thinking, language, and behavior by being able to adapt and thrive in different circumstances and situations
Using the different NLP change-works concepts and tools, and techniques
Know and practice Appreciative Leadership skills and way of life
Enhance one’s communication and leadership skills
Acquire the ability to Lead and Coach others, even fellow leaders, effectively
Training Days: Saturdays, 1PM to 6PM and Sundays, 1:30PM to 6:30PM
January: 15-16, 22-23, 29-30 (5 hours each day, total of 30 hours)
February: 12-13, 19-20, 26-27 (5 hours each day, total of 30 hours)
March: 12-13, 19-20, 26-27 (5 hours each day, total of 30 hours)
Required NLP practices in between training sessions: 30 Hours
Total NLP Training hours: 120 Hours
Venue: Online Classes
Course Fee: Php57,100.00 (inclusive of training materials and certification fee)
Pay to: NLP Manila Corp. / BDO Savings Account: 0108 2018 9545
For Inquiries and booking, kindly contact the following:
Noel F. Silan, PhD: 0917 – 63 403 23 /
Irish De Guzman: 0908 – 981 3887 /
Krishna Ayuso: